File Re-Organisation and Re-focusing on Functionality

During the duration of the project my file management and organisation has become rather cluttered and difficult to keep track of. In order to stop this situation from getting too out of hand I have spent some time re-organising both the files within Unreal 4 and the asset folders. I intend on retaining this level of organisation throughout the rest of the project as I go along in order to save time.

I have also imported the character blueprints and assets I produced before properly starting the project into the main project file, there were a few teething problems as there were no inputs listed within the main project file, which the character BP depended on in order to perform any of its functions like the basic attack. After some brief confusion I worked out what was going on and other than that all the characters and other things I was working on like pickups work as intended with no further alterations needed. 

It has been a little too long since I last worked on the blueprint scripting and functionality of the game so I am now focusing on that aspect once again. I have decided to change what source of tutorials I am using as the one I was previously using called Virtus whilst teaching me a great deal of things and seemed to be going well so far I had some concerns about the direction of the tutorials. The implementation of performing actions left much to be desired as I very quickly found that the actions would lock up and stop working under certain conditions. If you pressed 2 actions at once they would both break and not work again until a full reset. The second ability would also randomly have a weird delay if pressed after performing the first action. These actions also heavily rely on if/then processes which from my limited knowledge of coding as a whole I know is not the optimal way of doing things.

The rest of this RPG tutorial I was following also went into game mechanics I am not particularly interested in having currently (if ever). I am now using a tutorial by Moize Opel. During my research into beginner level games made in Unreal I came across a video of this game: here which falls in line with my ambitions for the project. The description cites the videos by Opel as the main source of tutorials. It makes sense for me to follow these tutorials 


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