Gameplay Update 1

I have yet to record my progress of the functionality of the project onto this blog. So before I proceed further into development I have documented all the features I have worked on so far. Which are showcased in this video

Currently I have 2 playable characters: a ranged mage type character and a melee knight character. Each has their own abilities, the mage character can heal themselves and throw a fireball and the melee character can swing their sword once and kick. All of these abilities are governed by both the characters mana (the blue bar) and each ability also has their own separate cooldown before it can be used again, these are represented by icons at the bottom that fill up depending on if they can be used or not.

Both health and mana replenish naturally over time and there are also pick-ups that the player can walk over that give instant health or mana. There is also controller support which I intend to be the main way to play.

The mage character can hit the mannequin to reduce its health and eventually kill it. Upon death it will drop a bag of loot that the player can walk over and pick up. Currently this bag has no functionality beyond this. The melee character currently cannot hit the enemy.. at least I haven't done anything to make it hit the enemy. However as the video shows for some reason the sword can hit the enemy and send it flying.

There are a few issues I need to sort out with the animations like the jump and frame drops happening upon first using the abilities and pick ups but it's still early days and these are issues that will have to be fixed later on since currently all the assets are placeholders I downloaded from online.


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