Weapon Combos
I have created a weapon combo system. If the player presses the attack button 3 times they will do a series of attacks. The attack that plays will also differ depending on what mode the player is in (sword and shield/ greatsword mode). I have sped up the speed of the switching animation as I felt it was too slow before as the player was stuck still whilst watching a long animation to do so. The camera also shakes after the third blow to give it more impact, which is done by placing a notify in the animation montage. These notifies are used heavily to make the game know when the player is swinging the sword and when they are not. Without carefully placing these notifies the attacks will glitch out and play over one another.
Currently the character slides backwards after the Sword and Shield combo, this is easily fixed as its simply because the animation I used is not rooted. All I need to do is get a rooted animation from mixamo, and if it doesn't have a rooted varaint I will just have to edit the keyframes where the character moves and edit them out manually in 3dsMax.
Better but you still need to do much more research and regularly post it on here.