
Blueprints are a system in Unreal that allows the user to link logic together to create functions in the game, essentially shorthand code.Blueprints are great in some respects, for someone like me who doesn’t know any coding language they allow me to create complex systems with relative ease. However, they do have their drawbacks specifically in terms of their speed. Blueprints are slower than a well optimised C++ script. Blueprints can be told to run every tick, which roughly translates to every new frame, a slow script running this frequently is going to cause performance issues. This graph shows the per tick that checks and processes Fornite does to update the animation significance manager with new information.

The top shows the script as a blueprint and the bottom shows the script converted to C++ code. The Blueprint almost takes a whole millisecond to perform whilst the C++ takes just under 0.2 ms.


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