Dynamic Resolution

Games are highly variable by nature with different scenarios having different le
vels of visual and behind the scenes complexity. One area might be large with very few moving parts such as enemies or NPCs and another might be a compact area with a huge amount of logic running underneath the bonnet. This variability can make it hard to optimise the game. Why compromise on the visual quality of the entire game to keep steady performance when only a few select areas or situations would benefit from visual downgrades. Dynamic resolution attempts to partially solve this issue.

The resolution is the number of pixels the game renders and displays on the players screen, the more pixels the higher the performance cost. 1080p is currently the standard resolution with 4K being supported more and more as time goes on. Dynamic resolution lowers the pixel count to decrease the performance cost based on data the engine pulls. Different engines have different approaches to implementing this solution (if they have them at all). Unreal uses information from the previous rendered frame to check how much the GPU is being taxed and adjusts the resolution accordingly for the next rendered frame. Once the GPU is being taxed less the resolution will go back up to whatever the default is, typically 1080p.

Changing the resolution on a single axis is less noticeable than adjusting it on both. Done properly the player will need to be actively looking for these resolution drops to notice them during gameplay. The resolution of UI elements is not adjusted to make the drops less noticeable and to retain the clarity of the UI.


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