Gameplay Polish

Today I moved on to polishing the mechanics of the game and getting the mechanics I have currently in a better state and resemble more of a finished product. I have added sounds to various animations such as the footsteps in the run animation and sword slashes and the like. Originally I had sounds just play in a blueprint upon certain events triggering but after some brief research I found that I can use the animation notify system to get sounds to play at the right moment of an animation.

 In the animation viewer of Unreal you can place "notifies" at certain frames or time codes. This image shows the basic run animation in which I have placed a sound notify when the characters feet touch the ground. This triggers a sound of a single foot-step that I downloaded from online. The 2 notifies seen here are also slightly differing sounds as it sounds very weird for the exact same footstep sound to be playing over and over. I put the heavier footstep sound first as it seems right for the first step to have a little more weight and impact behind it. This same technique has been applied to a variety of different animations, such as a sword swipe playing at the correct moment of an animation as well as one playing upon the player switching weapon with a sheath sound playing.

Attacks now drain a stamina and the player can not attack when fully drained. When I first implemented this change it had a nasty issue where if the player tried to continue the combo with no stamina the character would get confused and freeze and stop receiving inputs. It took me a while to figure out why but it was a fairly simple fix. I just needed to update the "Chain Attack" and "Is Attacking" variables to off when the player tried to attack without any stamina.


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